S1 Synthesis Activity 1: List the eight most important concepts/facts within the chapter relating to the Origins and Causes of the CCW, you should also classify them as either part of the long-term or short-term causes. Then place them in hierarchical order of significance in terms of causing the CCW, providing rationale as you do so.
- 1926: Northern Expedition - short-term - This is the most significant because it directly sparked the beginning of the Chinese Civil War.
- 1900: Boxer Rebellion - long-term - This is important because it shows how there was a history of civil unrest in China.
- 1921: Chinese Communist Party (CCP) formed - short-term - This is significant because it was a major participant in the war, and it occurred close to the start of the war.
- 1912: Guomindang (GMD) formed - long-term - This term is significant because it was the other participant in the war, however, it was formed longer before the start of the war.
- 1912: Chinese Republic established - long-term - This is significant because the Chinese Republic was the mediator for the conflict that was the Chinese Civil War.
- 1919: Fourth of May Movement established - short-term - This is less important because it wasn’t a direct cause of the war, and it might have still happened without.
- 1914: Yuan Shikai becomes dictator - long-term - This is less significant because Yuan reigned until 1916, which was still long before the war began.
- 1911: Revolution ending Qing dynasty - long-term - This is less significant because it didn’t contribute to the start of the war as much of the other terms.
S1 Synthesis Activity 2: Examine whether the struggle for China is best seen in terms of the personalities and policies of its dominant rivals, Mao and Jiang.
Thesis: Although their personalities were very aggressive during the struggle for China from 1927 to 1949, their policies best demonstrate the struggle, which can be seen through the New Life Movement, their disagreeing communist ideologies, and the full division of Spain.
Assertion 1: To begin, despite both leaders knowing unity was beneficial, Jiang’s idea of the New Life Movement hints at how their policies best show the struggles.
Assertion 2: In addition to the New Life Movement, Mao and Jiang had differing policies as to communism, further showing the significance of how their policies shows the most struggle for China.
Assertion 3: Similar to the New Life Movement and the divide over communism, Mao and Jiang used their policies and divided China into the People’s Rupublic of China and the Republic of China showing how the struggle for China was best seen through their policies despite the similar idea that unity was important.