
Synthesis Activity 1:

Thesis: Despite the economic improvements, the lives of ordinary German families were negatively affected by Nazism in the years 1938 to 1939 to a great extent because of the stress put on from the hitler youth organization, the new roles of women, and the persecution of Jews.

Assertion #1: Although the youth generally appreciated the activity and inclusion brought on through Hitler Youth, that organization, developed in 1933, had a negative impact on German families from 1938 to 1939 due to the youths not being allowed to speak to their parents about what they learned.

Assertion #2: In addition, despite the more specialized and straightforward life brought on for the women, their new roles given through Nazism negatively affected the German families from 1938 to 1939 because the wives were given less of a choice as to what they can do.

Assertion #3: Along with the new roles of women in society, the persecution of Jews have caused concerns and issues in families as the families that had business or connections otherwise with Jews were no longer able to have relationships with them, tearing the moral fiber of the family.

Synthesis Activity 2:

Thesis: Although the unemployment rates dropped from six million to less than 200,000 under the command of Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler’s economic policies were successful to a minimal extent when changes were made from the years 1936 to 1945. This can be seen through the conflicts of the instability of the balance of payments, “guns and butter”, and the Four-Year Plan.

Assertion #1: Foremost and in spite of the large benefits brought out by Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler’s lack of success in his economic policies can be seen through the unstable payment balances during the early 1930s.

Assertion #2: Similar to the instability of payment balances and although the wartime production of military supplies increased, the dispute between “guns and butter” in the 1930s had ultimately caused a downfall in the success of the economic policies.

Assertion #3: In addition to the “guns and butter” dispute, Schacht’s improvements to the economy were overshadowed by the failures of Hitler’s Four-Year Plan, created in 1936.