S1 Synthesis Activity: Analyze the methods and conditions that allowed Hitler to rise to power in Germany.
Thesis: Although the conditions of Weimar Germany from 1918-1933 made it seem as though Hitler’s rise was inevitable, it was Hitler’s methods and conditions that allowed him to emerge as the totalitarian leader of Germany in 1934. This can be seen through the NSDAP’s reorganization during the Stresemann Era, Hitler’s allegiance with the DNVP, and how Hitler utilized the legal system to build his authoritarian state.
Assertion 1: Despite claims that Adolf Hitler’s rise was the product of pre-existing desire for ultra-nationalism in the German people, Hitler’s rise was not inevitable and can be seen as the result of the NSDAP’s reorganization throughout the Stresemann Era.
Assertion 2: Similar to the reorganization of the NSDAP, Hitler’s allegiance with the DNVP works to show how his rise to totalitarian power was not inevitable, despite claims that the peoples’ fear of communism and the KPD established the condition for Hitler to take power.
Assertion 3: To build off of the NSDAP reorganizing and the DNVP’s support of the group, Hitler manipulated the legal system which proves how Hitler rising to power was not inevitable, despite the position that the legal system of the Weimar Constitution was inherently flawed.