S2 Synthesis Activity 1: Assess the importance of ideology in Hitler’s rise to power
1. Discuss the following questions:
How did Hitler consolidate his position and create a one –party state between March and July 1933?
- March 23, 1933: Enabling Act passed
- March 1933: First concentration camp is established
- April 1933: Law for the Restoration of Professional Civil Service
- May 1933: All trade unions were dissolved
- July 14th 1933: Law against the Establishment of Parties
- July 1933: Concordat concluded with the pope
- July 1933: Germany becomes one-party state
What part did propaganda and repression play in Hitler’s consolidation of power?
- The press, radio, theatre, music, creative arts and film displayed Hitler as a beneficial, responsible, and trusting leader
- More people came to support Hitler
- He was seen as a national hero
Why did it take until 1938 for Hitler’s power to be fully consolidated?
- He still had opposers (Ludwig Beck as his German general was the last one to have a say in the events in Germany)
Was there any organized opposition to Nazi rule?
- White Rose - a group of university students handing out anti-Nazi pamphlets
- Berlin Red Patrol - an underground group
- KPD - underground cells
- SPD - organised underground groups
- Hanover Socialist Front - an underground group
- Red Orchestra - Sent information to the Russians
- Catholic Church - Pastors and bishops opposing Nazi rule
<2.Make a chart on which you record the arguments that Hitler was a strong dictator and those that suggest he was a weak dictator. Record historians’ arguments where possible.
Strong | Weak |
Personality (good orator) Very confident in himself and the destiny of the German nation Passionate commitment to the German nation |
Hitler wasn’t very disciplined Woke up late Only heard what he wanted to hear Played little part in Reich cabinet Avoided making decisions Decisions he made were on the spot |
S2 Synthesis Activity 2: Evaluate the way in which Hitler was able to consolidate his rule between January 1933 and the end of 1938.
Thesis: Despite the failures brought on by Anti-Nazi propoganda, Hitler’s cult of personality, legal methods, and propoganda were utilized successfully in the consolidation of Hitler’s rule from January 1933 to 1938.
Assertion #1: Primarily, Hitler was supported in the consolidation of his power due to the effectiveness of his methods to gain support by his cult of personality even as the Nazi movement had taken effect in society.
Assertion #2: In continuation of his cult of personality, Hitler utilized legal powers as a method of consolidating rule despite the opposition he faced in the government.
Assertion #3: Similar to his use of legal powers and cult of personality, Hitler accessed his strong propaganda to aid to his consolidation of power.